Endler Fish Chronicles | Unique Caring Tips You Need to Know

Published: 24 Jan 2024

Welcome to the enchanting world of Endlers. This blog post explores their amazing facts and provides unique caring tips for aquarium enthusiasts. The scientific name of the Endler fish is ‘Poecilia Wingei.’

Are you curious about the amazing facts and unique caring tips? You’re in the right place. Here, you can find all the essential information about Endler livebearers.

Let’s start to explore more!

What is Endler Fish?

It is a small fish with mesmerizing beauty, bearing a striking resemblance to guppies. Both share small sizes, radiant colors, and lively personalities. The Endler fish was initially discovered by John Endler, which is why they were aptly named Endler. 

Let’s discuss their different names, sizes, weights, lifespans, and reproduction.

endler fish

Common Names

Endler fish has different common names such as Endler Livebearer, Fancy Guppy, Endler Tiger, Endler Guppy, Silver Endler, Cobra Endler, Staeck Endler, Rainbow Endler, and,  Endler’s Poecilia.

Size and Weight 

We already know that they are small in size and length. On average, male Endlers can reach up to 1 to 1.4 inches, while female endlers reach up to 1.4 to 1.9 inches. As for weight, Endlers typically weigh just a few grams.

Lifespan and Reproduction

Unfortunately, our charming Endler fish have a relatively short lifespan, typically ranging from 3 to 4 years, although some individuals may live up to 5 years. The longevity of Endlers is influenced by various factors, including genetics, diet, and environmental conditions.

The reproduction of Endler fish follows a distinctive and prolific method. As livebearers, they don’t lay eggs but give birth to live fry. Female Endlers deliver a batch of fry approximately every 20 to 30 days under suitable conditions. The newborn fry is fully formed and independent, requiring no further development process.

Set Up An Aquarium for Endlers

Just admiring its beautiful body signals that it craves attention and a stunning home for its dwelling. So, we strive to create the perfect environment for our gorgeous companion.

Let’s begin!

endler tiger

Aquarium Size

As we know, these species are small but require a wide range of water and space. The recommended tank size should be at least 10 gallons. If the size increases, it becomes beneficial for fry and a group of endlers

How many endlers should be kept together?

The Endler livebearers have small sizes, and we keep 4 to 6 endlers in a 10-gallon tank. In a 20-gallon tank, we keep 6 to 9 guppies.

Which species can live with endlers?

We choose small fishes like catfish, tetras, or others to keep with endlers. These species coexist peacefully as endlers are known for their calm nature in a community tank. 

Aquarium Filtration

Filtration is a vital component in the life of endlers, ensuring a more suitable environment for them. Various filtration machines, such as AQQA Aquarium Sponge Filter, Oase Biomaster Filter, Tetra Aquarium Whisper, and others, are employed for this purpose. The Aquarium Sponge Filter is considered the optimal choice for filtering the water in the endler’s habitat.

Water Quality

Ensure optimal water quality by conducting regular water tests, with a suitable pH level ranging from 7.1 to 7.5. Consistent maintenance, including regular water changes, is crucial for creating a stable environment and eliminating any unwanted substances.

Required Temperature

These species thrive in warmer environments, with an optimal temperature range of 20 to 26°C. To maintain this temperature, heaters can be utilized in the aquarium setup.

Decor of Aquarium

Now, let’s delve into the decoration of the aquarium for our charming buddies. There are various methods to enhance our buddy’s living space, including the use of live plants, artificial plants, floating plants, colorful corals, substrate, and more. These elements contribute to creating a visually appealing and engaging environment for your endlers.


Lighting is crucial to create a natural ambiance in the aquarium, providing Endler fish with an environment that mimics their natural habitat. The preferred light for the aquarium is in the range of 4500 to 5500K, ensuring an ideal lighting environment.

endler guppy

Common Disease

Here are some common diseases that endler fish may be susceptible to. If you notice any of these diseases, contact your aquarium specialist.

Different Disease names
  • Ich / White spots (Parasitic Infection)
  • Shimmies
  • Fin Rot (Affects the fins of fish)
  • Dropsy (Bacterial Infection)
  • Wasting Disease or skinny disease
  • Columnaris (Bacterial Infection)
  • Velvet Disease (Affected fish converted into golden or rusted color)
  • Lice and Parasites (Affected fish change in behavior)
  • Tuberculosis (Causing lethargy, weight loss, and lesions)
  • Cotton Wool Disease (cotton-like growth on the skin and fins)

Endler Fish Diet

Endler fish are omnivores, capable of consuming both plants and animals. A well-balanced diet is crucial for maintaining their health and ensuring a longer lifespan. Given their small size, endlers can eat small fish, such as:

Endler’s Diet
  • Flakes and Pellets
  • Daphnia
  • Brine Shrimp
  • Cyclops
  • Frozen Foods
  • Algae
  • Golden Pearls
  • Vegetables

Avoid providing a large amount at once; instead, feed them small amounts multiple times a day. This mimics their natural feeding behaviors observed in the ocean.

How to breed Endlers?

Are you wondering how to breed endlers? It’s not a tricky process; proper care is essential for successful breeding. This includes maintaining high-quality water, ensuring fry care, providing hiding places, offering nutritious food, and maintaining stable temperatures. 

Female endler fish typically drop fry every 20 to 30 days. The care and aquarium setup we discussed earlier plays a crucial role in facilitating the breeding of endless.

endler livebearer


We explored all the essential key points related to endlers fish. We discussed their different names, sizes, weights, lifespans, reproduction, caring tips, aquarium decor, common diseases, diet, and breeding. I hope this blog post enlightened you — and helped you to care properly for your buddy. If you like this information – so share your feedback in the comment section.


What is the difference between guppies and endlers?

Sometimes, people think guppies and endlers are the same, but these species are different — they belong to the same family. Guppies are generally larger than endlers, with female endlers being larger than male endlers.

How many endlers should be kept together?

We maintain a group of 4 to 6 endlers in a well-suited 10-gallon tank, ensuring ample space for their comfort. In a more spacious 20-gallon tank, our group comprises 6 to 9 guppies, creating a vibrant and lively aquatic environment.

Are endler fish aggressive?

Yes, these fishes can exhibit aggression towards each other, especially during breeding. There is a risk that they may consume the fry (babies) when they display aggressive behavior.

Can endlers breed with guppy?

Yes, endlers can breed with guppies. They are also known as endler guppies. However, it’s important to note that when they interbreed, it can impact the genetic purity of both species. If you aim to maintain the distinct characteristics of each species, it’s advisable to keep them separate.

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Rao Zohaib

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